Lauren, thank you for traveling across the country and going to all this effort to get into the courtroom. Hearing an attorney perspective on this is equally as fascinating as it is important. Looking forward to reading more of your thoughts and analyses as this case progresses.
I’m so glad you were there. I really enjoy your writing style and it’s clear you know what you’re talking about. I’m very active on Reddit, and I’d love to be able to share this article anytime I see someone starting to waver in their support due to that stupid Altoona security video (why oh why do people think it proves anything???)
Unfortunately though, I’m hesitant to share this, simply because your sense of superiority is off the charts. As someone who strives to see the good in people, I felt alienated, I couldn’t relate to it and I couldn’t seem to come up with any reason for including it at all. I hope you don’t take this as an attack, I truly enjoyed reading (most of) this article and I look forward to future updates from you. I just wish you’d consider editing it. If you kept only the relevant info, stuck to only the facts, left out all the self-serving anecdotes and personal opinions regarding his appearance, you’d have something really special. Are you open to creating a tldr version? Might be worth it, could reach a greater audience.
I’m not a lawyer or a writer or a journalist, so take all this with a grain of salt. Just some things to consider. Thanks for all your hard work and for sharing your experience.
The judge’s name is Carro. You can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube though, so I’m sure we’ll be hearing rumors about a car until the end of time.
omg he always looks at everything and everyone and he's not ashamed to do it (other people who have been to other hearings have said that he sometimes looks at the entire court) and she's not talking in a romantic sense, she's just stating a fact that many others have already done
Yes it seems like she was referring to the police coming inside from their police car. But the ensuing back and forth about probable cause for the bag is still very fascinating, as is the fact they have taken so long to turn over the search warrants and affidavits from the Altoona police, as well as the other 11 bodycams. It says to me there is something more to the bag that we don't know yet or understand.
"Of course, it doesn’t hurt that Luigi also happens to be perhaps the most objectively attractive human male I’ve ever seen in real life, or that his face activates something in my own Sicilian & Italian DNA that I did not know was possible...He is even more handsome in person!... His hair had grown longer and even more luxurious. His brows were the brows of the Roman Gods of his ancestors. He was taller than both of the guards who held each of his arms, he has to be at least 6’1’’. His jawline, 5 o’clock shadow, and lips, were out of a Caravaggio painting."
I mean... does this help anything? This kind of stuff really does make the media assume or write that people only care because of how he looks. Won't be reading your material again.
No problem! My material is not meant to be neutral. I am covering every aspect of why there is such intense public support and interest in the case. A huge part of it is how attractive he is, there is a whole discussion to be had around whether he would be garnering this level of support if he was less conventionally/traditionally attractive. This is an inseparable aspect of his being infused into the popular culture.
You would not be writing about this or going to his case if you didn't find him worthy of flicking your bean to. That just says a lot about you. You care less about any social issues raised by the case and more about your own romantic and sexual fantasies.
Just read the full thing and it’s 100% on point! I was sitting next to you in the courtroom by the way :) Absolutely loved this! Was so glad to meet so many people like yourself and so interesting to be able to experience this. Although his circumstances aren’t the best right now I do believe he will get justice. Hopefully able to attend more in the future. Also, your description of how he was when he first walked in was so accurate. You described him so perfectly!
I was one of the girls in front of you in line, the tall one in the green shirt and beige cardigan! It was such a pleasure meeting you and experiencing Luigi’s hearing together. I really enjoyed our conversations, and this piece was a fantastic read! Thank you for capturing the day so thoughtfully.
Great to meet you, too! I figured there’s a good chance it will be the only one I ever make it into in person, so I wanted to cover it in a way that people who weren’t able to get inside can get as close to a first-hand experience as possible, and to remember as much of the legal arguments as I could so that I could report them as accurately as possible.
“He did also look at one of the rows of general public on the other side, but I could not see the facial expression he gave them as his head was turned to them.”
I was in this row, and can give some perspective on it! I looked away as he was looking at our row, but then the two CBS reporters in front of me turned to me and said “Do you know him?” I replied “No…why?” Then They both said “He looked directly at you as if he knew you.” That’s a moment I will cherish forever.
Something is very off with the family absence and silence, upcoming article addressing just that coming out this week. I’m only half Sicilian, and just that half has like 20+ people who would fight me at a wedding but still show up for me in court--so its very baffling to me and a big red flag.
Thank you for the detailed breakdown. Can you confirm that they said his car/vehicle was searched? This is the first time I'm hearing of him having a car as everywhere it is mentioned that he travelled by bus and had a back pack with him.
Hey I wanted to reply to the comments re: the car. I’m going to copy and paste my response from another group to clarify:
You are all correct, it was also the first time I had ever heard the word “car," and there is no mention of a car in the federal criminal complaint! But I did distinctly hear it said in court. I don’t know if KFA misspoke and meant “bag" herself, or if it was a reference to the police cars, but I distinctly heard her say “car" during the hearing, and she implied they didn’t even know for sure where the bag was or where it came from, and they didn’t have the bodycam footage from all of the Altoona officers. It sounded like it was being implied that the bag with all the evidence wasn't all on his person with him sitting next to him inside the McDonalds, she was talking as if it were possible the bag had been found outside and brought in by the police.
She could have been referring to them having the bag when they came in from their own police cars, but it sounded to me like she was implying there was no legal basis to search wherever the bag was taken from, and she said something along the lines of “then the Altoona police came in from the car.” If the bag was all on his person, there would be no problem with probable cause to search him, so that also fits to me that it sounded like she was saying they found the bag somewhere else.
This is why I wanted to attend in person, to hear everything myself and not just what has been publicly released. It’s entirely possible KFA misspoke or was referring to a police car and not necessarily a car he rented or was driving, but I definitely heard the word car said, and had also never heard that before anywhere else. Hopefully it will prompt someone either on the prosecution or defense to clarify or correct! But that is what I heard.
“implying” “could have been referring” “sounded like” “KFA misspoke” why are you serving your own interpretations as facts from courtroom in the article?
No journalist who was live tweeting (there were multiple) mentioned any car related to Luigi or doubted KFA misspoke in anyway.
I hope we get cameras next time so people who attend court can stop being unreliable narrators and spread misinformation.
Yes I was general public, I didn’t have press privileges and we were not allowed to record anything at all, so I did not have the benefit of having my phone or a recording device out for every word, and did my best to actually use my brain and memorize as much as possible. I’m good at that from being an actual lawyer and having to remember what judges say to me without my phone.
I was in the dead last row, as close to the entrance /exit as possible and as far from the front as possible where the speaking was taking place. I’m not a reporter, my job is not to be neutral. I’m writing about my experience, exactly what I heard, and what my interpretation as an attorney was. She very clearly said, “when they came inside from the car” and then a back and forth ensued about probable cause and whether there was probable cause to search the bag, with KFA stating they had not received the warrants or affidavits related to the search of the bag from Altoona police.
I've stated repeatedly that its entirely possible she was referring to the police car, but the discussion around probable cause was very fascinating because if everything was on him, there should be no issue with probable cause. It does seem to indicate that his team is suspicious of where the bag came from, and they want to know why they still haven’t been provided the search warrants and affidavits for it yet. I’ll agree with you that cameras in the courtroom would be great, so we don’t have to rely on mainstream media and what they choose to write or live tweet. The bodycame footage would also clear up a lot, that’s why his team wants them so much and are upset they still haven’t been turned over.
Lauren, thank you for traveling across the country and going to all this effort to get into the courtroom. Hearing an attorney perspective on this is equally as fascinating as it is important. Looking forward to reading more of your thoughts and analyses as this case progresses.
I’m so glad you were there. I really enjoy your writing style and it’s clear you know what you’re talking about. I’m very active on Reddit, and I’d love to be able to share this article anytime I see someone starting to waver in their support due to that stupid Altoona security video (why oh why do people think it proves anything???)
Unfortunately though, I’m hesitant to share this, simply because your sense of superiority is off the charts. As someone who strives to see the good in people, I felt alienated, I couldn’t relate to it and I couldn’t seem to come up with any reason for including it at all. I hope you don’t take this as an attack, I truly enjoyed reading (most of) this article and I look forward to future updates from you. I just wish you’d consider editing it. If you kept only the relevant info, stuck to only the facts, left out all the self-serving anecdotes and personal opinions regarding his appearance, you’d have something really special. Are you open to creating a tldr version? Might be worth it, could reach a greater audience.
I’m not a lawyer or a writer or a journalist, so take all this with a grain of salt. Just some things to consider. Thanks for all your hard work and for sharing your experience.
Thank you.. we likely crossed paths in that hallway. This is so beautifully written!! Are you on Instagram?
The judge’s name is Carro. You can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube though, so I’m sure we’ll be hearing rumors about a car until the end of time.
lol another female reporter thinking luigi made eye contact with them.
omg he always looks at everything and everyone and he's not ashamed to do it (other people who have been to other hearings have said that he sometimes looks at the entire court) and she's not talking in a romantic sense, she's just stating a fact that many others have already done
exactly he looks around a lot. that doesn't mean he made eye contact with you
Hi Lauren,
It is alleged in the video below (will post the link) is Luigi in Altoona, right before heading to McDonalds.
It appears what you heard about the car may be an error or in reference to the police car.
Yes it seems like she was referring to the police coming inside from their police car. But the ensuing back and forth about probable cause for the bag is still very fascinating, as is the fact they have taken so long to turn over the search warrants and affidavits from the Altoona police, as well as the other 11 bodycams. It says to me there is something more to the bag that we don't know yet or understand.
"Of course, it doesn’t hurt that Luigi also happens to be perhaps the most objectively attractive human male I’ve ever seen in real life, or that his face activates something in my own Sicilian & Italian DNA that I did not know was possible...He is even more handsome in person!... His hair had grown longer and even more luxurious. His brows were the brows of the Roman Gods of his ancestors. He was taller than both of the guards who held each of his arms, he has to be at least 6’1’’. His jawline, 5 o’clock shadow, and lips, were out of a Caravaggio painting."
I mean... does this help anything? This kind of stuff really does make the media assume or write that people only care because of how he looks. Won't be reading your material again.
No problem! My material is not meant to be neutral. I am covering every aspect of why there is such intense public support and interest in the case. A huge part of it is how attractive he is, there is a whole discussion to be had around whether he would be garnering this level of support if he was less conventionally/traditionally attractive. This is an inseparable aspect of his being infused into the popular culture.
You would not be writing about this or going to his case if you didn't find him worthy of flicking your bean to. That just says a lot about you. You care less about any social issues raised by the case and more about your own romantic and sexual fantasies.
do you think LM heard the chants from the outside protest? did he acknowledge it or look in the outside direction?
He definitely heard them, we could all hear them from inside the courtroom.
He definitely heard cheering as we all heard the cheering loud and clear, but I personally couldn’t make out any specific words
Just read the full thing and it’s 100% on point! I was sitting next to you in the courtroom by the way :) Absolutely loved this! Was so glad to meet so many people like yourself and so interesting to be able to experience this. Although his circumstances aren’t the best right now I do believe he will get justice. Hopefully able to attend more in the future. Also, your description of how he was when he first walked in was so accurate. You described him so perfectly!
Hi Lauren,
I was one of the girls in front of you in line, the tall one in the green shirt and beige cardigan! It was such a pleasure meeting you and experiencing Luigi’s hearing together. I really enjoyed our conversations, and this piece was a fantastic read! Thank you for capturing the day so thoughtfully.
Great to meet you, too! I figured there’s a good chance it will be the only one I ever make it into in person, so I wanted to cover it in a way that people who weren’t able to get inside can get as close to a first-hand experience as possible, and to remember as much of the legal arguments as I could so that I could report them as accurately as possible.
“He did also look at one of the rows of general public on the other side, but I could not see the facial expression he gave them as his head was turned to them.”
I was in this row, and can give some perspective on it! I looked away as he was looking at our row, but then the two CBS reporters in front of me turned to me and said “Do you know him?” I replied “No…why?” Then They both said “He looked directly at you as if he knew you.” That’s a moment I will cherish forever.
I love this! He definitely knew the last two rows were general public supporters, and was grateful for the support!
That's so sad his family wasn't there. I hope karen gives him a big hug
Something is very off with the family absence and silence, upcoming article addressing just that coming out this week. I’m only half Sicilian, and just that half has like 20+ people who would fight me at a wedding but still show up for me in court--so its very baffling to me and a big red flag.
Thank you for the detailed breakdown. Can you confirm that they said his car/vehicle was searched? This is the first time I'm hearing of him having a car as everywhere it is mentioned that he travelled by bus and had a back pack with him.
Just saw your comment addressing the car. Please ignore my comment.
The cops acting like his supporters are about to bust him out chicago musical style or something . Great article 👏
Hey I wanted to reply to the comments re: the car. I’m going to copy and paste my response from another group to clarify:
You are all correct, it was also the first time I had ever heard the word “car," and there is no mention of a car in the federal criminal complaint! But I did distinctly hear it said in court. I don’t know if KFA misspoke and meant “bag" herself, or if it was a reference to the police cars, but I distinctly heard her say “car" during the hearing, and she implied they didn’t even know for sure where the bag was or where it came from, and they didn’t have the bodycam footage from all of the Altoona officers. It sounded like it was being implied that the bag with all the evidence wasn't all on his person with him sitting next to him inside the McDonalds, she was talking as if it were possible the bag had been found outside and brought in by the police.
She could have been referring to them having the bag when they came in from their own police cars, but it sounded to me like she was implying there was no legal basis to search wherever the bag was taken from, and she said something along the lines of “then the Altoona police came in from the car.” If the bag was all on his person, there would be no problem with probable cause to search him, so that also fits to me that it sounded like she was saying they found the bag somewhere else.
This is why I wanted to attend in person, to hear everything myself and not just what has been publicly released. It’s entirely possible KFA misspoke or was referring to a police car and not necessarily a car he rented or was driving, but I definitely heard the word car said, and had also never heard that before anywhere else. Hopefully it will prompt someone either on the prosecution or defense to clarify or correct! But that is what I heard.
“implying” “could have been referring” “sounded like” “KFA misspoke” why are you serving your own interpretations as facts from courtroom in the article?
No journalist who was live tweeting (there were multiple) mentioned any car related to Luigi or doubted KFA misspoke in anyway.
I hope we get cameras next time so people who attend court can stop being unreliable narrators and spread misinformation.
Yes I was general public, I didn’t have press privileges and we were not allowed to record anything at all, so I did not have the benefit of having my phone or a recording device out for every word, and did my best to actually use my brain and memorize as much as possible. I’m good at that from being an actual lawyer and having to remember what judges say to me without my phone.
I was in the dead last row, as close to the entrance /exit as possible and as far from the front as possible where the speaking was taking place. I’m not a reporter, my job is not to be neutral. I’m writing about my experience, exactly what I heard, and what my interpretation as an attorney was. She very clearly said, “when they came inside from the car” and then a back and forth ensued about probable cause and whether there was probable cause to search the bag, with KFA stating they had not received the warrants or affidavits related to the search of the bag from Altoona police.
I've stated repeatedly that its entirely possible she was referring to the police car, but the discussion around probable cause was very fascinating because if everything was on him, there should be no issue with probable cause. It does seem to indicate that his team is suspicious of where the bag came from, and they want to know why they still haven’t been provided the search warrants and affidavits for it yet. I’ll agree with you that cameras in the courtroom would be great, so we don’t have to rely on mainstream media and what they choose to write or live tweet. The bodycame footage would also clear up a lot, that’s why his team wants them so much and are upset they still haven’t been turned over.
Thank you for all your hard work on this. 🙏
Chained or unchained Luigi could convince the people to paint a frescos . ❤️